28+ Tall Border Shrubs
Every time i prune a branch i root it in a glass of water and plant it in the yard. It can be closely sheared to create formal hedges or topiary.
Tall border shrubs
Here then are ten excellent tall shrubs to consider when landscaping for privacy. Fountain butterfly bush buddleia alternifolia is a spring bloomer with lilac flower clusters along gracefully arching stems. Some shrubs that i rely on almost as much as hydrangeas are spireas.The billowy plant can grow to 10 feet high and wide. It prefers a sunny location in any well drained soil and can tolerate drought. Tiny spring flowers usually bloom in early spring.
Aucuba can grow up to 15 feet tall with glossy elliptical leaves. A popular shrub in the south japanese pittosporum forms a dense compact mound that can be up to 12 feet tall. Ogon spirea grows 5 feet tall and 6 feet wide with a tighter form in full sun.
Fast growing deciduous shrubs that grow more than 10 feet tall include american bladdernut staphylea trifolia american plum prunus americana gray dogwood cornus racemosa hazel alder alnus serrulata pale dogwood cornus oblique prickly ash zanthoxylum americanum red osier dogwood cornus stolonifera rough leafed dogwood cornus drummondii staghorn sumac rhus typhina and winged sumac rhus copallina. If you have questions please don t hesitate to leave a comment below. Its dense growth and evergreen foliage makes it suitable for screens or informal types of hedges.
This shrub has dense finely textured foliage and attractive reddish bark. Expect unpruned shrubs to a reach a height and girth of approximately 5 feet. If you have both male and female plants it will produce red berries in the fall.
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