25+ Physocarpus Opulifolius Lady In Red
Unlike other in its species physocarpus opulifolius tuilad has a compact habit making it ideal for the smaller garden. Vibrant red leaves in spring mature to purple in summer.
Common Ninebark Atlantic Ninebark Or Physocarpus Opulifolius Is
Physocarpus opulifolius lady in red
Sügisel on lehed oranžikad. Noored lehed on erakordselt erkpunased ja kurrulised. Ninebark features dark green or reddish leaves that form an attractive cascading mound.The serrated lobed leaves turn purple in fall. It produces red capsules from early to mid fall. When plants reach maturity the bark peels away in layers.
It gets its name from its bark which can be peeled off in several potentially nine thin layers. Suve edenedes värvuvad lehed pruunikas vaskpunaseks ja silenevad. It bears clusters of pink flowers in summer.
All fertile soils in sun or light shade. The peeling tan bark adds an interesting dimension to the landscape. Clusters of pink white flowers in summer followed by red autumn berries complete the look.
This stunning sport of monlo features red foliage and charming pink flowers. Lady in red ninebark features showy clusters of pink flowers at the ends of the branches in early summer. Pink flowers in summer fading to white.
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